Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rah: [noun]- A posh twat.

There are so many other definitions for Rah but I couldn't resist the succinctness of that one.  More on Rahs in a bit.

This past weekend I went to Northern Wales.  When I told my flat mates I was going to Wales the general reaction was "Why would you ever want to go to Wales?" so I was a touch nervous that I had made a terrible mistake in deciding to go there.  Luckily, I found some pretty good reasons for wanting to go to wales.

1. It's beautiful in a British Columbia/South Keys/Grand Bend/Nova Scotia sorta way.

Taken in the town of Conwy

Taken in the town of Llandudno

2. There are 600 castles in Wales.
Conwy Castle

3. You know how I obsessively wrote about the artist Turner here? Wales must have been his point of inspiration.

4. Animals everywhere!
Horses on our walk to Aber Falls
 The sheep above and below are from Aled's Sheep Farm

Back to Rahs and there relevance to this post.  Me, Andy and Hannah all went on this trip together and it was organized by a company called Don't Be A Tourist.  At one point on this trip, we got into a conversation with our tour guide (kind of gives us away as tourists, right?) about hipsters.  Why? Nobody knows.  Anyways, we were trying to figure out what the British equivalent of a hipster is and seeing as our tour guide was a native to the lands of the UK, we thought he might know.  This lead to him explaining what a Rah was.  His definition was as follows: A rich girl from London, wears tights and Ugg Boots, has a massive purse on her arm, her cell phone in her hand and sounds like she's saying "Rah rah rah rah" when she talks.  I LOVE this definition.  I was curious to know elaborations on his definition so I looked it up at  I highly suggest you do the same, the definitions are hilarious and so very accurate.  Apparently, according to our tour guide, Leeds is a hot bed for Rahs and their male counter part Rah Boys so knowing this word is key to my survival.

In summary, if you have the opportunity, go to Wales.


  1. Beautiful. Just beautiful!! You, Hannah and Andy are having quite the adventures.

  2. Haha, I could be called a "Rah" (minus the rich part!)

  3. Thanks mom!

    Shannon, I think you're too crazy and nice to be a Rah, and I mean that in the best way possible :)

  4. Just got caught up on my dodgy.Love the castles and the sheeps.I havent seen any golf course pics yet????!!!Haha.


  5. Rah, rah, rah, rah.... I mean, AMAZING post! Sounds like a wicked fun adventure! Especially love the BC / South Keys / Grand Bend / Nova Scotia description of Wales (minus South Keys, cause I've never been there)... but I totally got what you mean!!

  6. We'll go golfing when you come here Dad... BAHA joking. Don't go buying me golf clubs any time soon.

    Ooooh (little) Caitie, you're toooo hilarious. I can't even imagine how terrible work is today, my condolences.
