Friday, February 25, 2011

Fringe: [noun]- bangs

It never fails that when referring to the front bits of hair on someones head I always say bangs and then instantly regret it.  It is a guarantee that I will be corrected by my lovely British friends if I say "bangs" instead of "fringe."

The week of the fourteenth was a very uneventful week because I had a pretty bad cold.  There was one point where I didn't go outside for about 72 hours.  The only interesting thing I could have written that week is a synopsis of the entire first season of Community (if you aren't watching this show, start now).  In other words, sorry for the two week absence!

Now for a video of a girl with no fringe.  Ever since the BRIT awards I've watched this video an unhealthy amount of times.  Enjoy!


  1. A very inspired post Liza! I too have watched that clip a number of times and it still gives me chills. I am glad you are feeling better! Sorry to harass you about the lack of Dodgy Posts.

  2. No worries Dawny, I needed your nagging to light a fire under my bum.

  3. Hey - that's Smithy from Gavin and Stacey doing the introduction. That show used to come on BBC Canada a while back. Ask your pals about it. Maybe it still exists. Quite funny.

    I've heard of Adele and think she has appeared on some talk shows over here recently. Her fame is spreading.

    Hope you are over your cold now. Did you try Vick (without the 's')?

    Take care.

  4. I am obsessed with that video too Liza! I honestly watch it over and over and have learned all the lyrics so I can sing along...haha. She is unreal!!

  5. Aunt Betty! I have absolutely seen Gavin and Stacey, one of my flat mates thinks its the best show ever! I'm over my cold but if I get another one I will try Vick (my mind automatically says Vick's haha). I hope Florida is treating you well!

    She is unreal Shambo! Allie said that we both showed her that video. Great minds think alike!

  6. OMG, I adore adele... what an amazing video!! Thank you for introducing me to it... can't wait to watch it an unhealthy amount of times! (PS that may be my new fav saying)

  7. Caitie - Since you here all of Andrew's ridiculous but, I must admit, amazing sayings all the time, I feel extremely honored that something I said is your new favorite!

  8. Hello Liza. I googled your blog to find you on my iPad what a great thing this Internet is. Very nice video.
