Tuesday, March 1, 2011

York: [noun]- a walled city, situated at the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire, England.

This past weekend I had a lovely trip to the town of York with Aude, Zoe and Oliver Malone, the extended family of my family friends.  York is a beautiful town with an amazing Cathedral, York Minster.  We went to the Cathedral, did some shopping and had lunch at a beautiful tea room.  The three Malone's mentioned above as well as Dom took me in for the weekend which I greatly appreciate.  We had a very British weekend including fish and chips on Saturday night and a Sunday roast on (you guessed it) Sunday.  Thank you to the Malones, as usual it was wonderful seeing you all!

York Minster

Oliver, Me and Aude outside York Minster

Zoe, Aude and Myself in a pretty park with some pretty ruins

Oliver, Me and Zoe at the tea room

I thought I would take this oportunity to brag a bit about my cooking skills.  I made that spaghetti alla carbonara.  I know what you're thinking "There is NO WAY she made that. That's for sure from a restaurant" but if you pay close attention to the photo you will see that I'm eating out of a frying pan and most restaurants tend to serve food on a plate.  I may have been too lazy to unnecessarily get a plate dirty but that doesn't mean my meal wasn't supa dupa delish.


  1. How lovely!!! I can't wait to see the Malones again myself. Thank you Aude, Dom, Zoe and Oliver for taking care of our Liza.

    Liza, you could be a food stylist as well as chef and art historian. You are tremendously talented!!

  2. Wowza! You will have to make me that spaghetti when you get home. We can share out of the fry pan together, and even maybe have a Lady and the Tramp moment? Hehehe
    AHHH you are the luckiest person to be able to hang with them. They are so kind to take you in. Hehe loves!

  3. I've TOTALLY been there!! How fun that you got to hang out with the fam for an entire weekend!

    Oh and DELICIOUS meal... VERY impressive!!

  4. Dawny - I'm going to get a big head if you keep this up!

    Allie - Name the date and we will have a Lady and the Tramp moment.

    Caitie - It was so fun that I got to hang out with them! They miss all of you very much.

  5. Can I tell you how jealous I am that you got to hang out with the fam. They are the best! And I love York! How cool is the part of the city that looks like Hogsmeade (Harry Potter reference). Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?? Ha ha.

  6. Hahaha I know exactly what you're talking about Shannon! It is adorable. It seemed even more Hogsmeade-like because there was a viking festival going on.
