Monday, March 28, 2011

Howth: [noun]- a sea side suburb of Dublin and where I plan on retiring.

On the Friday of my trip to Ireland, Andy and I went to Howth for a few hours.  I'll let the pictures do the talking in regards to Howth's beauty.
Adorable Seals!

Delicious food!



More boats!


Even more boats!

Dudes rockin' out!

Ireland's Eye! And me!

Me and Andy!

My future home!

The most beautiful view ever! x2

Dawny, your first and last name were just everywhere in this country.

As you can see by the abundance of exclamation points, Howth is awesome. My decision to retire in Howth was helped by the glorious weather that happened that day.  If your looking for me in 50 years, that's where I'll be.

We went back to Dublin after a couple of hours in Howth and went to a dinner at this restaurant where there was traditional and live Irish dancing and music.  I got to enjoy even more Irish music, which was delightful.  Also I had the strongest (and probably the last for me) Irish coffee ever.  I don't know why I was expecting Bailey's in the coffee but it was most definitely whisky.

Ladies (and gentlemen), if you are looking to fall in love with an Irish man who plays a traditional Irish drum in a traditional Irish band, go to The Arlington Hotel Restaurant near O'Connell Street in Dublin.  You will not be disappointed.


  1. you don't know how happy i was to see you had updated when i checked for the 51st time! and two entries no less! BEAUTIFUL(howth - as well!). let's hope for some Irish bands at the music festivals, I want to see the drum in action. quite intrigued i have to say.

  2. Yayyy! You commented! Plus no awkwardness haha. I'm glad I could be of procrastination service.

  3. I am still so in love with the drummer! And he was very talented.
    Can't wait to visit you in Howth (most amazing house ever) :)

  4. I can't wait to meet the infamous Andy and Hannah!! And Liza your blog IS great for procrasting.

  5. This place is SPECTACULAR!!!

    Have fun with the parentals Liza!!!
