Sunday, March 27, 2011

St. Patrick's Day: [noun]- Saint Patrick's Day (Lá Fhéile Pádraig) is an annual feast day that celebrates Saint Patrick (circa AD 387–493), the most commonly recognized of the patron saints of Ireland, and is generally celebrated on 17 March.

This past week has been so glorious, weather wise.  It's been sunny and temperatures have been upwards of seventeen degrees so you'll have to (again) forgive my lack of posts.

So the main reason I went to Dublin last week was to celebrate the St. Patrick's day in its native country.  The day started off pretty early because Andy and I wanted to see this annual boat race which started at nine in the morning.  The race is between two of the schools in Dublin, University College Dublin and Trinity College.

After the race we took a tour of the Guinness Brewery.  I had my first Guinness ever there and it was surprisingly delicious! They have this really cool bar, the Gravity Bar, at the end of the brewery tour where windows serve as walls for about 3/4 of the room and you can see all of Dublin.

Andy and I in the Gravity Bar with a view of Dublin behind us.

Then there was the St. Patrick's day parade.  It had some interesting floats that, to my knowledge, didn't have a lot to do with St. Patrick's day.  It was hilarious, regardless of its relation to the holiday.

Two dogs in one St. Patrick's day parade. 

Then we went back to the Guinness Brewery to have a delicious Guinness inspired lunch and stayed there for a bit because there were a bunch of events going on in honour St. Patrick.  Then we preceded to go to Temple Bar (bar in this instance meaning a place to walk along arrive) which happens to have a lot of bars.  As we were walking down the street, there was a bar playing music and it was packed and everyone was singing soo we obviously went in.  It was hilarious, everyone was having an amazing time.  The most interesting thing about St. Patrick's day in Dublin is that children are involved.  They are in the packed pubs with their semi-drunk parents just bobbin' their heads to the music.  Worst parenting ever or the best parenting ever? I don't know.

First Bar

The night continued on with going to a variety of other bars which had the same awesome vibe as the first one: happy people, good live music and lots of alcohol.  One of my favorite parts of the night was seeing this drunk man directing traffic in Temple Bar.  He was so drunk but some how managed to do an excellent job of directing traffic.

If you can't tell, he's the one with the curly blond wig. 

What I learned from St. Patrick's day in Dublin is that I LOVE Irish music.  The Dubliners are basically my new favorite band so I'm going to leave you with this gem of a tune.


  1. Great times!! Love the song! It kind of reminds me of the pirate song from Kent and Lexi's wedding. Haha!

  2. We really are the same person. The entire time I was there I was reminded of that pirate song!

  3. song reminded me of

    they took it from the irish, checked it on wiki

  4. Wow, that is a special, special favourite song choice!

    Highlights from this post: 1) the surprisingly awesome drunk traffic director and 2) drunk parents at the bar with their kids... overall sounds like an awesome St. Paddy's Day experience!!!

  5. Looks like an awesome time! I will have to listen to that song when I'm alone in the office today.

  6. Evan I heard you thought that the Irish stole it from Metallica. I think it would be hard to go form the Metallica version to the Irish folk song version haha.

    Thank you Caitie! Those were some of my highlights as well.

    Shannon listen to it when there are people in the office! They will love it, I swear.

  7. Whiskey in the jar!!!! such a good song!
    what about the St-Patrick's Festival at the Guinness Storehouse - that was also pretty awesome!
    delicious lunch(!!!), more Guinness and the live cover band.

    ps - I say it was worst parenting, as the little girl was like 4 are bored out of her mind sipping her orange juice.
