Monday, March 14, 2011

Frape: [verb]- to change an element of someone's Facebook (esp. status) to something silly and/or embarassing.

It's such a clever amalgamation of the words "Facebook" and "rape" plus it sounds a lot less harsh then the two words seperately, "Facebook rape".  I've only ever heard all these smart English kids using this word, never any North Americans. This is one I definitely plan on bringing back with me to Canada.

Tomorrow I'm flying to Dublin for St. Patrick's day.  I really can't believe that this day has arrived.  Last year on St. Patrick's day, to get through the pain of not being able to go out due to an essay that I had to write, I told myself that I would be able to go to Dublin next year.  A year later, it's actually happening.  I'm going to celebrate St. Patrick's day in his native land PLUS go to Ireland which is exciting by itself.  I don't think it has quite hit me yet what I'm about to experience, probably because there is some school work that needs to be completed which is blocking my view of St. Patrick's day.   

I'm bringing my computer with me so if I get a sober spare moment, I will post some pictures for your viewing pleasure.  If that "spare" moment doesn't arrive, have a great week and a happy St. Patrick's day!