Sunday, April 17, 2011

Holiday: [noun]- exactly what you think.

What is different about the word holiday in the UK is its frequent use.  In Canada, one would be more likely to say "vacation" when discussing a trip that they are planning to take/have already taken where as in England people say holiday.  "Where are you going for your holiday?"  This may be me reading into the language differences a little bit too much but hey, if the shoe fits.  Am I right?

I'm currently on my "Easter Holiday" which is a nice little four week vacation in the middle of the winter semester.  Once this four weeks is up, I have one more week of school and then exams beginning and then this school year, somehow, is over.

The Easter break can explain my almost three week absence from the ol' blog as my parents came to visit for a portion of the break!  It was so wonderful to have them here.  We spent the first four days here in Leeds, then five days in London and then a week in Marbella, Spain.  I, being the intelligent person that I am, packed my camera and the battery charger but not the battery so I have no pictures.  Luckily my mom had her camera so when ever she sends over her pictures (hint, hint) I'll post a few here.  For now, the only pieces evidence of my trip are the mushy words of thanks I have for my parents for being the absolute best.  Thank you again for coming to visit!


  1. Did you ever find the battery for your camera?

    Thanks for inviting us!! And thanks for the mushy words of thanks.

  2. hahahah you are still signed on to my gmail account mom. now i look like a freak who talks to myself. anyways, i did find my camera battery, it was just sitting on my desk.

  3. hahaha...I was wondering what was going on...
