Saturday, May 21, 2011


Apparently I'm leaving Leeds in two weeks.  And apparently I'm going to be twenty one in two weeks.  So much weird for one weekend.  The next couple of weeks are going to be filled with lots of fun although I still have an exam to write on the 25th of May so no fun until then.  On the 26th of May I'm going to Edinburgh for five nights.  I'm way too excited about all the Harry Potter type things that I'm going to see there.  It'll be awesome preparation for the final movie.  Once I get home from Scotland, I'll have three days to pack up all of my stuff and get ready to leave.  On June 3rd, the University has this event called the Summer Ball which is kind of an amalgamation of a carnival, a music festival and prom.  I've decided that I'm going to pretend that this is my birthday party as it starts at 6 pm on June 3rd and ends at 6 am on June 4th.  June 4th is my birthday and last day in Leeds and then I leave on the 5th to begin my seven week summer travel adventure! (more on that later.)


  1. I've missed your posts Liza!! You have had such an incredible year and it's not over yet! That ball looks like so much fun...kind of reminds of something from the movies. Have an awesome time and an awesome birthday celebration!

  2. Thank you Shannon! It is kind of movie-like, isn't it? Wrapping up my year with a "ball". Hopefully I'll have time to write about it before I leave!

  3. That is a good question. What a great year you have had!!
