Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brilliant: [adj] - of surpassing excellence

A run down of my BRILLIANT time in England so far:

-Basically had a heart attack from the anticipation (Thank you family and friends for dealing with me)
-Got on the plane at 9:30 pm with my new friend. Hi Caleb!
-Had an alcohol induced 2 and a half hour sleep on the plane

-Arrived at Gatwick airport at 10 in the morning.
-Internally (and sometimes externally) screamed with excitement all day.
-Took the train to King's Cross station (saw the London eye on the way)
-Took another train to Leeds
-Arrived at my residence
-Bought sheets
-Slept for a long time

-Bought the essentials and walked around the amazing city centre which is about a fifteen minute walk from my residence
-Got a cellphone! My pin is 22F6298D for those of you with BBM
-Enter jet lag

-Walked the very beautiful walk to the University without getting lost!
-Attended the mandatory meeting for international students at the University
-Made a new friend from Montreal.
-Me and my new friend, Andree Anne or Andy, got a bunch of things done such as making an appointment at the bank, getting our student cards, buying posters, and going to tea at the international students center where we met more people from all around the world.
-After eating dinner at my residence, me and Andy went back to the University for the international student's karaoke night and met even more people

-More essentials purchased
-Went to the University HSBC to open my bank account
-Signed up for a bunch of exciting stuff: Host which is a program where families in the UK allow you to come and stay at their house for free, Don't Be A Tourist which organizes weekend trips around the UK, and tap class!
-Met one of my "flatmates", Becca, and had dinner with her which consisted of her mom's homemade bolognese sauce which was delicious!
-Went out for cheap drinks with three new international friends: two from Canada, one from Australia.

And now today.  Currently two more of my flatmates are moving into there rooms which leaves one more to move in.  The way my residence works is each of us has our own bedroom and bathroom and the five of us share a kitchen.  My plans for the rest of the day are hang out with my flatmates and look into going to OKTOBERFEST.  That's right. Oktoberfest.  As some of you know, Germany is the motherland for me.  And what better time to get in touch with my heritage then Oktoberfest?  The other international students that I've met are interested in going too so I'm going to try to make this happen!

I can't remember what day I ate this delicious chocolate bar that I got for free but I felt the need to share the wrapper.  I couldn't believe how good it was!


  1. I am loving the blog. Keep it going!!

  2. You are adjusting so well Liza. Good for you.
    Keep us posted with the blog.

  3. Please bring me home one of those yummy looking chocolate bars Miss Liza Wallman

  4. I am loving this blog as well Liza! You write so well! And I am so excited to live vicariously through your travels! xo
