Thursday, September 23, 2010

Flat: [noun]- An apartment on one floor of a building.

To my wild friends, let me apologize.  I know that when you ask for pictures you don't mean pictures of inanimate objects but your just going to have to keep holding your breath.  Partying pictures will come soon, I promise. 

The layout of my flat works like this: there is one long hallway and all five of our bedrooms plus the kitchen have doors to this hallway. 

Below you see a picture from the door of my room.  The door on the right leads to my bathroom.

Two shots of my lovely bathroom.  That Neti Pot has really come in handy so far.

My closet.

A family portrait.

My bed.  Considering my budget and the fact that I can't bring any of the stuff home, it's not too minging (British slang to be defined another day).

My desk where lots of studious things will happen.

The view from my window.

And that concludes the tour of my room.  Next up, the kitchen. 

A view from the kitchen door.  As far as student residence goes, I think this kitchen/living space is amazing! It's huge, which is excellent for the number of people who come over to have drinks before we go out.

That's all the pictures for now.  In about an hour I'm going to head over to the University for a meet and greet with all the first year students in my program.  During the University of Leeds' induction week, there is a lot of partying, but also a lot of going to a variety of welcome lectures.  Why am I going to a meet and greet for first year students, you ask? A number of reasons.   Technically I am both a first year student and a second year student at the University and because of this I decided that I would attend a mix bag of events for both years.  To be entirely honest though, the main reason that I'm going is the free food.  Who cares about making new friends when there are mini sandwiches being handed out just for showing up?  Another plus about this event is that it is being held in the University's art gallery.  This will be my first time seeing it and I'm pretty excited about it.  I'll let you know how it goes!
One last thing: I'm loving everyone's comments! Keep 'em coming! Special shout out to Aunt Betty, can't wait to come across some animal tongue.  Who knows, maybe I'll even try some.


  1. I'm your friend, but I'm not "wild", so I really appreciated these pics!

    Liza, your place is amazing!! It doesn't even look like residence! And I'm dying to find out what "minging" means - haven't heard of that one before!

  2. It is nice to see where you are living. Thanks for the tour.

  3. Your room looks different than I thought when we Skyped. But I love it. I meant to ask you if you brought your beloved Neti Pot. And I love the family portrait haha! Get those wild pictures up!!!

  4. minging equals something like ghetto i assume for now. pretty sweet kitchen for some eats and pre drink

  5. Wow Liza, your flat looks amazing, and not even British looking, far less mingin'. The photos are great. Good to see you are prepared with wellies.
    I look forward to your blog, following the weekend! Have fun.

  6. Hey Liza,
    Sounds fantastic - yes, everything. I hope your year away is amazing. Love the view from your desk and believe you should be there when the "window" across the way takes a photo so it will have you in it! Great of you to focus on the artwork at your up coming meet/greet and not those fabulous little crustless sandwiches - such focus!! lol! Take care, stay well. p.s. you are my first Blog. Suzanne xo
