Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fresher's Week: [noun] - one straight week of first year students drinking too much and staying up too late before school starts

Which often leads to Fresher's flu: [noun] - a flu like illness induced by drinking too much and staying up too late for one week. 

My fresher's week, the synopsis.

Met my roomates, Sally, Mits, Josh and Becca.

We went to Sally's friend's flat to drink before we went out (editor's note: As I was rereading this I saw that I had written "hit the town" instead of
went out" and literally gasped with horror).  Some of the group went to a bar called Halo which is an old church that is now a club.  Although I am by no means a practicing Catholic, that whole concept makes me feel icky.  Everyone else who didn't go to Halo (myself included) went to the Student Union.  In the Student Union there are 5 bars and clubs.  On this particular night we went to The Old Bar and Terrace.

Our residence hall hosted a "Pizza and Pims" party.  There was free food, so I was obviously there with my flat mates.  Then a bunch of people came over to our flat to, you guessed it, drink before we went out.  There was a free welcome party at the Union that night so we all headed over there.

The real welcome party at the Union.  The main difference between Sunday's welcome party and Monday's welcome party is that you had to pay to get in on Monday.  We all got together at our flat before and then headed over to the Union together.  It was a fantastic night! If you're like the one week ago me and have never heard of a band called Five, you should look into them.  They are the UK's version of Backstreet Boys and their music is just as catchy.  Five was playing at the Union this night except for it was only two of the Five members. 

A night of rest and relaxation.  I watched a show called The Inbetweeners with one of my new friends, Toni.  For those of you who watch a lot of television on the internet, look into this show.  It's hilarious and I feel going to serve excellently as a tool for learning British slang.

The night of doing nothing but waiting in a line that was close to the death of me due to the number of people and the amount of squishing that was going on.  Although it was still hilariously fun! After waiting in this massive line for about half an hour, the police came and shut the club down because it was over capacity.  Ironically enough, the club is called gatecrashers.  Anyways, after that we all just came back to our flat and drank more and ate and chatted. 

Me and my new Canadian friend Hannah went to the Union for a headphone disco after going to our very successful School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies social.  Just a reminder, that's where the free sandwiches (and FREE ALCOHOL!) were.  What a headphone disco entails is you go into the club, you get headphones and you can change the station of the headphones between two DJs.  It was such an oddly wonderful experience.  Different people were loudly singing different songs, if you took your headphones off it was silent besides the people singing and talking and you got to choose what you listened to so if you didn't like what one DJ was playing, you could just listen to the other!

Hung out in Alex's flat, a girl who lives in our building, with the group I had been going out with all week. 

This was both the last night of Fresher's Week and the night we celebrated Ollie's birthday.  His birthday is really today but we thought it made more sense to celebrate yesterday.  So let me explain how we celebrated this in the same order I was given the information.
1. Ollie had promised the night before that for his birthday he would wear whatever the guys told him to wear
2. Everyone is wearing "fancy dress", which can more or less be described as halloween costumes, to go out

3. Ollie is dressing up as a hula girl
4. I'm dressing up as an 80's girl
5. Other people are dressed up as angels, cave men, army girls, etc.
6. We are going to a place called Otley Road where you do a 4 mile pub crawl (a term that is both British and Canadian that I'm assuming doesn't need defining)
7. I think all of this is a little bit strange.  We are going to a pub crawl in Halloween costumes? Sure, I'll do it but it just seems odd.  Apparently it's not.  I don't know if doing fancy dress is common for all pub crawls in England but it certainly is at Otley Road.   Name a costume, people were dressed in it. 

And to finish the week off perfectly, I now have fresher's flu!


  1. Is that strongbow on the table? You just can't get away from the apples.

  2. sounds like some good events. The thursday night headphone disco sounds like an interesting idea

  3. Awww, it looks like you had a great time at Fresher's Week. Now the school work begins...

  4. i really like that i am featured on your blog!!
    but what I do not like so much is the fact that you are now bed-ridden.
    or that i can't text you anymore.
    so see you Friday?

  5. freshers flu, was that some forshadowing?
