Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Amstel: [noun] - a river that runs through the Netherlands. Dam: [noun] -a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea.

Amsterdam: [noun] - a city in the Netherlands created by damming the Amstel River.

This past weekend I went to Amsterdam with my two new traveling friends, Andy and Hannah.  It was so much fun! The traveling bug basically took one of my limbs he took such a big bite after this trip.

Lucky for you all, Andy, Hannah and I tried to be as touristy as humanly possible and took a tonne of pictures.  You get even luckier as Amsterdam is a beautiful city!

You know a city is beautiful when this is the view from your super inexpensive hostel (mind Hannah's head).

The national monument in Dam Square. To state the somewhat obvious, this is where the original dam of the Amstel River was built.

 Cool advertisement for the Van Gogh museum.

Hannah and Andy at our lovely lunch beside one of the many canals.

Tulip bulbs!

On our way to the Rijksmuseum.  I was most excited about seeing Rembrandt's Night Watch.

That little red building in the middle is a house! The skinniest house in Amsterdam actually.  The owner of the house is taller then the building is wide.

One of Amsterdam's famous canals.

The most delicious pancake in the world.  Ronnie, you would have loved it: a combo of half-mouseying and a happy cracker snack platter.  One half had bacon in it and the other half had apple.

Taken before we went on the Heineken Brewery tour.

Amazing fries in a cone with ketchup and mayo.  A low calorie weekend, obviously.

 To go with the fries, a Heinz Ketchup bike.  There were hundreds of bikes parked everywhere in the city and out of all of them this was my absolute favorite.


  1. Thanks for the update and the pictures. It looks like so much fun. It is also nice to see what Hannah and Andy look like.

    Also thanks for the history lesson. I had know idea where the name Amsterdam came from. I need to get out more!

  2. You little jet setter you! What a fun trip!

    That skinny house was so neat! I have been in the skinniest house in Toronto, in Cabbagetown and, compared to the one in Amsterdam, you could call it a mansion!

    And two thumbs up for both of these food choices - that pancake is insane!! And I love fries dipped in ketchup and mayo!

  3. I like the skinny house, good break down of Amstel and Dam

  4. Amsterdam! You do get about, and that's great.

    I found your pictures and blog most interesting and learned far more from them than from the two very short stop-overs we had there a few years ago. Hope we get back some day, and get to try the food.

    Keep up the good work of educating us!

  5. Love it Liza!! So glad to hear you are making the most of your time over there. You should go back to Amsterdam in the spring before you come home, it will be gorgeous with the tulips. Love the blog..we miss you!
