Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Leeds: [noun]- a city on the River Aire in West Yorkshire in northern England; a center of the clothing industry

I love that definition, "a center of the clothing industry." It makes not spending money VERY difficult, let me tell ya. 

Here are some long over due pictures of the city that I'm currently living in. 

Speaking of shopping, there are a bunch of different arcades (like this one) in the city.  They are more or less little indoor walk ways between streets with stores in them.  Plus they are all beautiful.

More shopping.  Notice the Christmas decorations?

Town hall.  This slightly crooked photo really doesn't do it justice.  It's massive.

This beautiful building is a strip club. Ironic? 

Doors to town hall.

I really enjoy how the street signs are on buildings.

Classic red phone booth.

Civic hall.

Leeds city museum.


  1. Hey Imagine my surprise to find a new blog post!!
    It looks amazing. Can't wait to go shopping myself.

  2. These photos are all so great Liza...especially the one of you in the photo booth!! Have you been to the Corn Exchange yet?? That's pretty much the only place I remember, but I loved the interior of it...and I think it had some fun shops too!

  3. Really good photos Liza, and all with blue skies!
    I wonder if the Thornton's Arcade sells Thornton's toffees. You must try them. Best toffee ever, in my opinion.
