Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jacket Potato: [noun]- a baked potato

That definition really couldn't have any less to do with this post but I've really been diggin' jacket potatoes with all the fixings as a meal lately so I thought I'd share.

What this post is really about is the two cool societies that I've joined.  Both of these societies are two of the hundreds of societies that the Leeds University Union offers to the students of the school.

One of the societies I have joined is the History of Art Society.  So far, I'm relatively disappointed that I joined this society.  I assumed, incorrectly, that everyone in the History of Art would automatically want to join this society.  There are four people in the society including me, the vice president and the president.

Friday, October 8th was Leeds Light Night which, for those of you who live in (woooah Allie, that's you) and around the Toronto area, is Nuit Blanche except not as late and not as cold.  It's a night of celebrating the arts in Leeds and a variety of institutions and interesting buildings keep their doors open a little later then usual to take part in the celebration.  I went to this with the History of Art society.  We saw lots of interesting things including a short play in the University's library about a haunted library.

Picture Time!  Sorry for the quality, I had every intention of bringing my camera but then I forgot it so these are phone pictures.

Out of all the things we saw, I was most impressed by this.  This is a giant projection of a kaleidoscope on the side of this building. The awesome thing about this kaleidoscope is that it is made up by images of shoes.

If only this man knew he would be on my world famous blog.  He's basically a celeb now.  That's the massive kaleidoscope.  Anyone walking by could take the kaleidoscope for a spin.  Get it? A spin? Heh...heh..

This group art project took place inside the Leeds City Museum.  Inside each of those balloons, there is a card with people's favorite memory of their time in Leeds.

The other society I joined, I have not been disappointed with for a second.  It is called The Wine Society.  Dad, I wish I could see how exasperated you're going to be when reading the rest of this.  I feel as though The Wine Society should pay me for advertisement as every time I come home a little (/very) drunk from one of the socials, this is how the conversation goes with my flat mates:
Them: So, do you more or less just get free wine at these socials?
Me: Yes
Them: I REEEEEEALLY should join that society.

For the most recent Wine Society event, we got to go to a wine tasting course.  It was all very interesting.  We learned about what food tastes good with what wine and how to properly taste wine.  But the actual interesting part was when, after the tasting, me and two of my friends were waiting for our cab and everyone else had left.  One of the wines we tasted was champagne, Moet champagne to be exact.  There was half a bottle left after the tasting and the person running it GAVE US THE REST OF THE CHAMPAGNE.  It was amazing. 

In summary, History of Art Society - 0, Wine Society - 1


  1. Wowza... can i just come to leeds to join the wine society? Or do i have to enroll in school too?

    PS thanks for allowing me to post comments!!!!!

  2. Hahaha, I love that you are one of four members of the History of Art Society! Give it a chance though, I feel like it could get good! Maybe you can aspire to be Co-President by the end of your term!

  3. Oh and so glad you can comment now Caitie...except why in the heck did you put your name as C Dawg?? Are you Jake Croza or something?? Ha ha. Sorry for that Liza - I'm using your blog as a Facebook!

  4. I can't believe I was not the first one to comment today! or should I say yesterday. I love the kaleidoscope but I always did love them as a kid. Shannon, I am glad you made your second post because I was trying to figure out who C Dawg was. I never really pictured Caitie as "C Dawg" but I like it! Go Caitie!
