Monday, October 25, 2010

Swotty: [adj]- studious, nerdy

There are two excellent reasons for this post to be titled swotty.  The first one is that I was reading The Daily Mirror, a newspaper that does not attract swotty people oddly enough, and they used this word to describe Harrison Ford's Harry Potter like glasses.  I've found writing here is almost always casual and never tries to put forth an air of professionalism.  It's very "real" which I think is hilarious because Canadian websites, newspapers, menus, advertisements, etc. are always using very proper English.  I think the hilarious use of words here probably has a lot to do with the amazing sense of humour which wouldn't be pushed aside for something as insignificant as professionalism.

The second reason is that I myself have been a swotty student lately as my first semester in Leeds is almost half done! The amount of work that I've done does not reflect the amount of time that has gone by since I've been here so I've really had to "pull up my socks" (does anyone know the history of that odd saying?) in the past week or two.  Thus the shortness of this blog post.  But here's a little sneak peek for what's to come at some point this week: two syllables, six letters, and one capital.  Soooo cryptic.


  1. I know, I know, I know!

    I can hardly wait.

  2. Oohhh, intriguing!!

    And I think I am going to bring "swotty" to Canada - I like the sound of it!!

  3. I don't, I don't, I don't!
    And no amount of swotting is going to help me.
    However, I could guess.
    Would the letter 'l' be in those six letters?
    By the way, I even had a peek at the Daily Mail on line. Some interesting info in there.
