Monday, September 20, 2010

Pork: [noun]- the flesh of hogs used as food. Trotters: [noun]- the foot of an animal, esp. of a sheep or pig, used as food.

Seeing these pork trotters in the grocery store yesterday (almost) made me want to stop eating meat.  This experience may rival the time my mom ordered a full Cornish hen at a restaurant and I cried like the little kid I was and begged her not to eat it.

I was at the grocery store with my flatmate, Becca, and she told me that her dad eats stuff like that to gross her out.  It made me feel a little better knowing that a native was also creeped out by the prospect of eating pig's feet.

I do love that name though, Pork Trotters.  Sounds like a basketball team composed only of heavy set people.


  1. hahahaha. Hilarious!

    I see that you figured out the computer/phone glitch.

  2. Liza, I loved your basketball analogy. Things will get better/worse, depending on your point of view. Look out for tongue, potted head and tripe, to mention just a few! You can do a whole butchers' shop segment!
    You are going to have such a good time there.

  3. Hahaha! So true about the basketball team!

    And I love the name Dodgy for your blog by the way!

  4. Sitting at my desk right now reading this and the kids are looking at me funny because I am laughing out loud! Loved the basketball analogy!

  5. Created a google account for this, looking forward to more posts

  6. you can probably do a great mc danger imitation of my response to this:
    "eww that is so gross"
