Friday, January 7, 2011

Aubergines are actually eggplant. Curse you, youtube boy!

Today I got gifts from Santy Clause.  He gave me two things: one being the gift of shopping and the other being SHOEEEEEESSSSS.  Thanks for the best treasure hunt ever Santa.

Don't we look like a happy family?  Keep your orphan Annie comments to yourself Andrew. I will, however, accept comments from everyone on how well I'm keeping up my resolution of more frequent posts.


  1. Wow! Just thought I would check and see if there were other comments from yesterday and to my surprise there you are with your shoes.

    I am glad that you are enjoying your Christmas present. Pretty impressed with the blogging resolution upkeep!

  2. Mom please tell me you did not put that you cried as your facebook status. I'm going to have to ride a bike around costco again to even out the embarrassment if you did. Thanks for the blogging upkeep comment! Also, I love that you creep the comments.

  3. I am also keeping my res and checking out more Dodgy with a capital D!!!

  4. That was a great treasure hunt, the french english translation clue was a little off though ha. You look like a kid in a candy shop in that pic

  5. Hahah google translator didn't come through on the old french english clue. I am a kid in a candy shop, that's why!

  6. Wow, I am impressed with the frequency of posts so far! And although I don't think I would wear those shoes myself (my cool factor has gone way down in the last two years), I think they will look amazing on you!

  7. Pffttt Shannon, you're as cool as they come. If you wanted to wear those shoes you totally could. Thank you though!

  8. Yay! We have matching orphan Annie boots now! We can skip through the streets when you get home.

  9. THAT IS THE BEST IDEA! I can't wait :)

  10. Skip through the streets on the way to the orphanage? BAHAHA

    Really, i'm just jealous that i can't pull off these cool looks...

    PS LOVIN the amount of posts!! I'm having a Dodgy field day right now!

  11. Haha me and Allie will skip to the orphanage together and you and Shannon aren't invited!

    Thank you! I've been trying very hard.
