Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Invigilator: [noun]- the U.K. version of a proctor.

The head invigilator for my exam today was kind of funny in an I'm-an-old-man-and-I-can-say-whatever-I-want sort of way.

Apparently this is the week that I put all my crazy out on the (internet) table for everyone to judge.  I love the sky.  It's my absolute favorite thing.  I basically comment on it five times a day, especially in the summer.  Even if I'm by myself and the sky is really cool looking I will actually speak the words "Wow, the sky is really cool looking" to myself.  I enjoyed my drive to work this summer because I got to glance at the sky every once and a while. I was walking home from my last exam today (yay!) and this is what the sky looked like:
Wow that picture does not do it justice and the picture looks way nicer on my camera.  Sorry about that.  Anyways, it was more neon orange and pink and purple.  I know its not necessarily a good thing when the sky is bright orange and pink due to pollution and stuff (thank you Berenstain Bears) but whatevs.  Its a nice side effect.  I didn't speak out loud about how nice the sky was because there were other people around but I was smiling like an idiot, by myself, just walkin' down the street.  It makes sense that the sky is orange because its ORANGE WEDNESDAY!


  1. That is a beautiful picture. Congrats on finishing your first semester in the UK! Good luck on Semester 2.

  2. D'awww. Thanks mom! I didn't even think of it as finishing my first semester in the UK and I appreciate you pointing that out to me. Gotta stop and smell the roses, right?

  3. Looks like a nice a pic, and ya the camera never does it justice compared to the real thing.
