Thursday, January 6, 2011

Aubergine: [noun]- zucchini

Somewhere in its transition across the ocean, aubergines gained a 'z' and then a few other letters got changed around and then zucchinis happened.  Logical transition.

I just had a lovely three week vacation back in Canada where I got to say 'eh' without judgment and eat lots of Kraft Peanut Butter.  I had a wonderful Christmas with my family which was also intensely Canadian with a lot of tobogganing, snow-shoeing and Rummoli.  Wow, I didn't realize how Canadian my Christmas was until I wrote that sentence.

My journey back to Leeds was entirely uneventful.  I fell asleep on the plane, the tube and the train so if something exciting did happen I probably missed it.    

I'm back in Leeds, I just finished my last essay of the fall semester today and I have food in my fridge.  Life is good.  Plus my friend sent me this video which is both educational and funny. 

Hence the title of this post. 

This semester prepare yourself for way more Dodgy updates.  It's somewhat of a new years resolution for myself.  So, see yah reeeal soon (in blog land, that is)!


  1. Love the post and I hope you keep up the resolution. I love the video. I could listen to that guy talk all day.

    Cried like a baby all the way back to my car on Monday. So so silly.

  2. Glad you had a good Canadian Christmas and have arrived back in Old Blighty, safe and sound.

    I did fairly well on the video words, likely as a result of my many years' dedication to Coronation Street. I knew that was time well spent.

    Looking forward to further blogs.

  3. Dawny! Why would you admit that on a public forum when you could have told me the millions of other times that we've talked haha. Silly girl.

    Thank you Betty! I hope your Christmas was good as well. TV watching is never time wasted haha.

    Also, apparently aubergines are eggplants. Not Zucchini. I guess that's what I get for trusting the internet!

  4. Oh Liza You are such a funny one. I hope you keep your resolutions for more posts and I will resolve to get more Dodgy in my life.

  5. It's a good thing you put the capital D Ronny or that could have meant something else entirely.

  6. That is a very Canadian xmas, glad you had a safe, sleep filled trip back.

  7. As for the crying part, I put that on facebook as well. I don't think my easy to cry characteristics are hidden from anyone!

  8. I loved this video! So glad you're back safe in Leeds. Loved seeing you over the holidays and I'm excited for more Dodgy posts this semester! xo

  9. Thank you Shannon! I'm glad you're excited :)
