Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chuffed: [adjective]- to be pleased or happy.

I'm well (a.k.a. very) chuffed about the way the University of Leeds does exams.  I'm assuming it's the way a lot of universities outside of Carleton deal with things because other exchange students that I know don't seem surprised about it at all but that's neither here nor there.  What they do is assign you a seat for your exam and it's posted along with the time, date and location of the exam.  The reason I like this so much is because, my last name being Wallman, my seat is always in the very back row.  And for those of you who know how truly and utterly insane I am, you know that I don't like when people hover behind me especially when I'm stressed or tired (always?) so I usually try to sit in the very back rows of exams anyways.  It just takes one less (psychotic) stress away during the exams, which I'm really grateful for.  My last exam is tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited, especially since I have the peace of mind knowing I'll be sitting int he back row.  

To distract you from my crazy, here are pictures of a pretty park near my place of residence. 


  1. I will be the first to comment about your crazy self.You are too funny with your little issues.How about if someone is chewing gum and standing behind you?

  2. You can't even imagine how often that happens to me in an exam haha. Thanks for using a, somewhat, nice adjective like funny to describe my "little issues"! I appreciate it baha.

  3. That is some kind of crazy Liza... crazier than that time... that I just chundered EVERYWHERE...

    Okay I'll stop with the chundering... ALL OVER YOUR BLOG. bahaha

  4. hahahahahhahhahhahahaa it makes me laugh every time. little chunklets frozen in the snow.
