Monday, January 10, 2011

Revise: [verb]- to study

I think I prefer saying revision instead of studying because revising suggests that you have already done loads of work and now all you have to do is just casually revise it.  Studying, however, means that you still have a tonne of work ahead of you.  I feel as though revision is much more optimistic although once I actually start revising I may change my mind.

Revising is what I'm going to be up to for the next couple of weeks starting today so my resolve to post more frequently may become upsetting and in all honesty quite boring for you reading my posts but I WILL PREVAIL.

My flatmates are all back and our little family has reunited which was a nice start to my week.  Only four out of five of us were back yesterday but we went out for Sunday roast.  Our Sunday roast actually consisted of no roast or any of the things that come with Sunday roast because we either ordered fish and chips or burgers.  Keepin' it authentic.