Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Orange Wednesdays: [noun]- the best thing that has ever happened to my food-and-movie-loving self.

Every Wednesday the phone company that I'm with here in England, Orange, has this amazing deal on Wednesdays.  What you do is you text the word film to the number 241 and then they text you back with a code.  This code gets you two for one movies AND dinner at this sweet restaurant called Pizza Express.  So tonight I'm going to be watching Love and Other Drugs and eating lots of pizza with my friends!

To make Wednesdays even better it is SO WARM HERE.  It's January and its plus ten.  I basically skipped home from the library today it was so lovely outside. 

This is a picture from when I was taking the train from London to Leeds on my way back from Canada, when I managed to keep my eyes open for two minutes.


  1. That is an amazing deal! And I'm so jealous of your warm weather. We just got a HUGE dumping of was mayhem on the roads this morning!

  2. I like the picture! We did get lots of snow but that is great for snowshoeing!

    Enjoy your evening!

  3. Wait, you have friends? HEHEHE! Just kidding. That is a SWEET deal. You will be drooling through the whole movie looking at Jakey. And I am SO jealous that it's warm(ish) there. I haven't stepped outside yet today and I am not excited to do it. LOVE!

  4. You three have mixed emotions on the snow! Thanks for the comments.

    I hope your birthday night is wonderful Allie!

  5. I am more than a tad jealous, not so much about your great deal on movies and pizza, but more about your balmy temps! As I write it is -31C, with windchill. Brits who chose to live over here should have given that more thought. Enjoy skipping about.

  6. Ouch! I hope that you're making your logical escape from that cold weather to Florida soon Aunt Betty!
