Monday, January 31, 2011

England? Ireland? Great Britain? Scottland? Northern Ireland? Wales? United Kingdom?

Most embarrassingly, before I watched this well informative video I could not correctly tell you the difference between the above places (I would like to point out my English, maybe British, use of the word well which, in this context, means very).  In my defense in the case against myself, I previously could have given some sort of vague explanation in which I would have said that the UK might govern all of the other guys up there in the title but I wouldn't have been sure what the difference between England and Great Britain is.  Also, who knew there were so many British Overseas Territories?  Shamefully, not me.  In case you were looking for more information in regards to my ignorance so you could better gauge how much you should gawk at this lack of knowledge I have just admitted to, I've been in the United Kingdom and more specifically England for about four months now.  Big ups to my new unknowing bestie who made this video.  I owe you big time homie.